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    Photo Furkan Oztanriseven

    February 09, 2023

    Collaborating to Face Global Challenges

    Data can be used in a seemingly infinite number of ways, including to innovate, to identify and solve problems, and to predict trends. But perhaps most importantly, data can be leveraged to help people make better decisions overall. And in a world in which humanity is faced with making increasingly critical choices about subjects varied as the economy, the environment and the health care system, understanding how to use data effectively may never be more important than it is today. That is what Mehmet Kilinc, Ph.D., and Furkan Oztanriseven, Ph.D., associate professors in the Business Analytics Program in the Madden School of Business, impress upon their students at Le Moyne every day. They tell the undergraduates they work with that the challenges they face are not local, regional or even national in nature. They are global. 


    The educators also assure their students that they are not addressing these issues alone. They are doing so as part of a network of 189 Jesuit colleges and universities around the world. To that end, Kilinc and Oztanriseven are in the midst building a partnership with St. Joseph University, a Jesuit institution in Beirut, Lebanon, with approximately 12,000 students. They plan to grow the burgeoning collaboration thoughtfully and strategically. They will begin by hosting a virtual business analytics boot camp for SJU students and by sharing course curriculum with SJU faculty. Then they hope to provide a path for students at SJU to study at Le Moyne and vice versa. Their long-term aim, though, is to build a system-wide collaboration with other Jesuit business schools around the world. 


    “Our hope is to create a global business analytics academic community, which is important because it will bring together experts, researchers, and students in the field to exchangeknowledge, share best practices, and collaborate on projects,” Oztanriseven said. “This can lead to a better understanding of the latest developments in the field, foster innovation, and contribute to the development of more effective data-driven decision-making  processes. Additionally, by fostering a community of professionals who are passionate about business analytics, it will help to raise the profile of the discipline and increase its impact on the global economy. By creating a strong community, we can work together to advance the field and ensure that businesses and organizations have the tools and expertise they need to succeed in an increasingly data-driven world.”


    Oztanriseven called this “a great time to study business analytics and machine learning,” noting that these fields are growing rapidly and shaping the global economy. He noted that with an increasing amount of data being generated every day, there is also a growing demand for professionals who have the skills to collect, analyze and interpret that valuable information in a meaningful way. He further stressed that machine learning is particularly important because it allows organizations to automate many processes and make more informed decisions based on the data. Oztanriseven noted that “both business analytics and machine learning are interdisciplinary fields that draw from areas such as statistics, computer science and business, providing students with a well-rounded education that will be valuable in a variety of careers. Studying these disciplines can provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the fast-paced and rapidly evolving world of data and technology.”


    Both Kilinc and Oztanriseven agree that this collaboration is a key factor in increasing the global visibility of the College’s business analytics program. By working with other academic institutions, industry partners and government organizations, Le Moyne can share resources, knowledge, and expertise to create new opportunities for research and innovation. This can lead to increased visibility for the program and help to establish Le Moyne’s reputation as a leading center for business analytics. In addition, by collaborating on research projects and events, the College can raise awareness of the importance of business analytics in decision-making processes and help to shape the future of the field. 


    “Whatever their field may be, tomorrow’s leaders will need make good, ethical decisions about everything from responding to emerging trends in their industry to assessing the lifecycle of a particular product,” Kilinc said. “Our hope that this partnership will go a long way toward helping them meet that need. I am looking forward to seeing how it will grow and develop.”


    Le Moyne’s business analytics program is ranked number 17 in the nation.


    Above: Furkan Oztanriseven (left) and Mehmet Kilinc (right).