Certificate in Cybersecurity Fundamentals

ERIE 21 Lock 4

Today the greatest risk organizations face is not in person, but online with digital theft of their data. This certificate in Cybersecurity Fundamentals will prepare you to:

  • Identity risk and its impact on systems, people, assets, data and capabilities.
  • Develop and implement appropriate safeguards to ensure delivery of critical services.
  • Formulate and implement an appropriate response when a cybersecurity breach occurs.

This program will prepare you for internship, part-time and full-time opportunities as an entry-level systems/network security administrator or security risk assessor/manager.




"I am honored to be a part of ERIE21’s Lock 4 Cybersecurity Fundamentals program at LeMoyne College. This opportunity for a career change into Cybersecurity has been both exciting and challenging. It’s a chance for us to take our lives to that next level- a once in a lifetime opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. The Professor, ERIE21, and Centerstate CEO staff have been super supportive, patient and understanding, cheering us along our individual journeys, motivating us, ensuring we have everything we need to complete the course successfully, and they are committed to seeing us through. It's nothing short of a blessing!" - Triana