Bilingual Poetry Reading – Javier Adrada de la Torre
Adrada de la Torre specializes in the translation of poetry and the latest theoretical trends in translation studies. He is the author of Luis Cernuda y Friedrich Hölderlin: translation, poetry y representation, 2021. He won the first MRA Ediciones Novel Prize (La aurora de los girares , 2014), the 22nd "Martín García Ramos" International Young Poetry Contest (Gasolineras , 2024) and the 24th International Poetry Prize "Emilio Prados" (Ensayo sobre una cebolla infinita, 2024). He has also published in poetry magazines such as Zéjel, Casapaís and El coloquio de los perros, as well as in anthologies derived from literary competitions. The reading is sponsored by the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Spain, the Cultural Center "Generacion del 27" of Malaga (Spain) and the Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Le Moyne.