Accepted Student Day


10:00 AM - 3:30 PM


Event Center
1419 Salt Springs Road
Syracuse, NY 13214
Free visitor parking will be available in Parking Lot A and Parking Lot AA, with limited overflow parking available in Parking Lot C


Undergraduate Admission

For accepted students and family members.

Experience life as a Dolphin! Whether you’ve already chosen Le Moyne or are still deciding, we invite you and your family members to come celebrate your acceptance and learn more about the College.

The event will feature:

  • Welcome remarks from Le Moyne College President, Linda LeMura.
  • Enjoy a complimentary lunch from Phins Hospitality.
  • Break out sessions for every major and the Honors program.
  • Talk with faculty and current students.
  • Panel discussion for parents/guardians.
  • Learn about internship and job opportunities you’ll have as a Le Moyne student.
  • Ask admission and financial aid representatives any questions you may have.
  • Talk with representatives from student clubs and organizations.
  • Tour campus with a current Le Moyne student.
  • Get to know some of your fellow potential classmates.


Attending admitted student events will be a huge help in making your decision. They’re a great way to get another look at the college, but this time from the perspective of: ‘I could be living here in a few short months.’ Relax and enjoy the experience! You have the opportunity to see all of your options laid out in front of you on this day!”

Connect with Us

Office of Admission

Grewen Hall 323