Insights from the Heights Webinar: Ignatian Spirituality 101: Finding God in All Things
12:00 PM - 1:00 PMCategory

How Ignatius' sacramental awareness can help us navigate life's difficult times. The Jesuit term of "Finding God in All Things" has been around since the time of St. Ignatius himself. This maxim is meant to help people understand that God's presence isn't exclusively found inside of our Churches or other places we might consider holy. This Ignatian value encourages people to be aware of God's presence in the movements of everyday life whether those movements are joyful or difficult. My talk will focus on how we can better "Find God in All Things" through the cultivation of what the Catholic imagination calls sacramental awareness. It is through the cultivation of sacramental awareness that one can learn to "Find God in All Things" which then brings one into deeper communion with God, the Source and Summit of all life.