Le Moyne in New York


5:00 PM - 10:00 PM


Pier 59 Chelsea Piers
New York, NY 10011


Save the date for the Le Moyne in New York Gala taking place on Wednesday, April 2, at Pier 59, Chelsea Piers, New York City.

This signature event will honor two extraordinary individuals: trustee Daniel F. McNeil III ’77, a visionary leader in the insurance industry, and Barbara Maylone Karper HA ’07, a trailblazing leader and mentor who recently celebrated 50 years of dedicated service to Le Moyne.


“In very different ways, they have both contributed to our Jesuit ethos of personal and professional excellence with an unrelenting commitment to service. Given Barb’s influence on Dan during his time at Le Moyne, it’s appropriate that they will be honored together at Le Moyne in New York.” President Linda LeMura

Our Sponsors


  • McNeil & Company

  • Arch Insurance Company

  • Hometown Insurance Agency
  • Michael ’71 & Lynn Madden


  • Olinde Porche Insurance, LLC
  • George Seibel
  •  RT Insurance
  • MarshBerry

See how you can support this signature event.